Author: Bhumit Vyas

Is dog sitting stressful?

Understand that as a pet sitter, you are going to have times that you feel overwhelmed, stressed out or just dog-tired…it’s normal! But, always keep in mind why you began pet sitting in the first place. Most likely, your love for animal and desire to be your own boss were driving factors.


Can a dog live in a wheelchair?

Wheelchairs for dogs with mobility impairments

Sometimes wheelchairs are available for animals with hind limb paralysis, offering a welcome return of movement. In fact, thanks to such inventions, some dogs learn to jog, fetch and play as happily as they did before their injury! Credit:

What is a dog wheelchair called?

The first adjustable dog wheelchair in the market, Mintbowl Dog wheelchairs is designed to help pets with mobility problems like degenerative myelopathy, arthritis, paralysis, and neurological disorders. The construction consists of a neoprene or fabric harness, which is clipped to an aluminum frame. Credit:

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